About US

The International Journal of English and World Languages and Literature Paradigm Shift in International Research (IJEWL) is an international, peer-reviewed journal committed to advancing scholarship in the fields of English, world languages, and literature. This journal serves as a platform for innovative and interdisciplinary research, offering insights that challenge traditional frameworks and contribute to a deeper understanding of language and literature in a global context.
International journal of English and World Languages and Literature Paradigm Shift in International Research is a distinguished platform in the field of English studies. It encompasses a wide array of critical areas such as Digital Humanities, Postcolonial Literature, and Ecocriticism while providing profound insights into Global Englishness and Linguistic Diversity. This journal is pivotal in promoting advanced research in English language evolution, literary criticism, and educational methodologies, offering a significant contribution to the global discourse in English and World Languages.
 The journal invites contributions from scholars, researchers, and educators, encouraging innovative research and articles across various domains, including linguistic studies and literary criticism. Rigorous review processes ensure high-quality academic contributions, fostering a rich dialogue in the field.